Find The Right ESL School & Expand Your Future

By Omnicom School of Languages - Toronto Modified on October 09, 2012
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Omnicom Language SchoolIn some countries the search for schools begins even before a child is able to walk. As soon as a child is born, parents begin to plan their children’s education, saving and navigating the road to higher education. Will it be public school, private school or home schooling?

The search for schools continues, but at some point, in some countries, students start making their own choices; with or without the help of their parents or the government. In today’s global economy the world is available to students who have the academic skills and who wish to put forth the effort to succeed. A quick search on the Internet and students can find thousands of schools. It can be a daunting task to find which one is right for them. Learning English will really expand a student’s future options and finding the right ESL school is an important step.

Dealing with reputable agents is a start. At Omnicom School of Languages we work with many trusted agents in many countries throughout the world. Students need to ask important questions regarding curricula, activities and average class size. Omnicom maintains classes at the optimal level for ESL learning. Whenever possible, students should take tours of the schools they have chosen. The school should feel supportive, warm and inviting to the student. This is where Omnicom shines.

We are there to help the student from the moment we pick them up at the airport, in our school van, to the moment they graduate to one of our Pathway Universities. We have pathways with a number of universities and we help students search and select those universities that are most suited to their career objectives. Of course, this is not as easy as it sounds.

Not only do we test the student at the beginning and throughout the process, but we also constantly work with the student to assess their weaknesses and their strengths. Omnicom nurtures and works with each student and gives them special help when necessary. Above all, we make sure that the student will be a good match with the University. Some students need to be in a buzzing city atmosphere, while some students thrive in a more serene and relaxed setting.

We also provide top-notch IELTS preparation courses that focus on the four key areas: Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing. Students must keep in mind what their goal is and what is truly important to them. Searching for schools may not be easy, but at Omnicom it is our specialty!

Learn more by checking out this video.

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